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Bee Hives Donated

300 Bee Hives Distributed to Communities

300 Bee Hives Distributed to Communities

Bee Hives Donated

On 20th May, 2020, Rwenzori Mountains National Park in Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area distributed 300 bee hives as part of its outreach program with frontline communities that surround the park. The hives were given to 30 organised community groups in the five districts that neighbour Rwenzori Mountains National Park. The beneficiary districts included Kasese, Bunyangabo, Kabarole, Ntoroko

Elderly Rwenzori Conquerer

78 Year Old Lady Hike to Margherita Peak

78 Year Old Lady Hike to Margherita Peak

Elderly Rwenzori Conquerer

A Canadian 78year old lady successfully hiked to the peaks of the Rwenzori mountains. She is the first recorded advanced age lady tourist to successful reach the peaks of Mt. Stanley – Margherita of Rwenzori Mountains Guided by three recently trained Guides (two male and one Female) of Rwenzori Trekking Services, Ms. Beryl Park (78),

Climate Change Fallout Blocks Route to Rwenzori Peaks

Climate Change Fallout Blocks Route to Rwenzori Peaks


Glaciers on the top of the Mountains of the Moon, aka Rwenzori Mountains, have shrunk considerably since the peaks were first climbed over a hundred years ago, and since satellite surveillance and mapping has started to provide detailed records, part of the progressive disappearance of the equatorial icecaps also seen on Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt.