Situated close to the Rwenzori Mountains National Park in Kazingo. Kamugha guesthouse caters for tourists and travelers interested in native communities, customs and culture. Activities that include treks to Bundibuygo and Semliki National Park (1 day), trekking in RMNP on northern spur circuit (3 to 5 days) and homestead visits on the Bundibuygo side of the Rwenzori (1 to 2 days). Hikes of lesser duration are also possible in the locality of the Guesthouse. Bicycles are available for hire.
To get there by public transport from Fort Portal board a matatu to the Kazingo Trading Center on the Bundibuygo road. Kamugha Guesthouse is a 5 minute walk from the trading center. Ask for directions at the RMNP outpost office at the center.
Accommodation and Food:
Beds and mattresses (bring your own sleeping bag), camping in fenced compound, warm showers and laundry service. Hot traditional food, soft drinks, coffee and tea available.